Saturday, September 7, 2024

SISD looks at summer projects to maximize space for students


While school is out for the summer, the Springtown school district has some projects to accomplish.

At May’s school board meeting, Executive Director of Operations Micheal Chavez reported on potential additions and renovations that are necessary to accommodating growth.

Voters recently rejected the school district’s latest bond proposal that would have allowed for the construction of a new middle school and districtwide restructuring to manage growing student enrollment. Without being able to access bond funds, any projects moving forward will likely be funded through Springtown ISD’s maintenance and operations budget.

The potential projects – which the district hopes to finish during the summer if they can be achieved in the budget – are:

  • establishing a career and technical education center in the high school cafeteria to serve students in all CTE programs, including career readiness and post-secondary, and meet space needs for these programs,
  • repairs and additions to the high school locker rooms to hold more students,
  • converting storage space at the middle school into classrooms,
  • seeking alternative storage options across the district,
  • adding quad extensions at Springtown Elementary School to get more classroom space,
  • renovating the tilt wall building – which is next to the administration building and is currently used for record management – for more day care rooms, and
  • turning offices in the technology and special education building into extra classrooms for the FLEX program at the newly approved alternative education academy, which will be named Porcupine Academy.

The cost of these projects hasn’t been determined yet, but SISD Communications Coordinator Kendra Hutchison said it could range from $250,000 to $300,000. The school board may need to approve some projects depending on cost and/or budget amendments.