Thursday, September 19, 2024

Porcupines please homecoming crowd by mugging Mustangs


A pick-six is one of the most exciting plays in football. The term pick-six is football lingo for when a defensive player intercepts a pass and runs it for a touchdown.

At the homecoming game on Sept. 16, Springtown’s pick-six on Creekview’s first play from scrimmage gave the Porcupines a 6-0 lead with just nine seconds gone from the clock. The hometown crowd that packed Porcupine Stadium went wild after seeing defensive back Drake Doggett nab the first pass of the game and race for a TD.

Creekview’s second offensive possession didn’t go much better. Springtown’s defense held tough and hit hard. Twice, Creekview trainers ventured onto the field to tend to hurt players. After three downs, the Mustangs punted.

Creekview, however, was no homecoming patsy ripe for a mugging. The Mustangs are a 5A school with big players who compete with ferocity, and the Porcupines had to fight for every yard and every point.

With nine minutes remaining in the first half, Springtown quarterback Hudson Hulett broke a tackle and rambled half the length of the field to the 3-yard line. On the next play, he darted into the end zone to give Springtown a two-TD lead.

With 3 seconds remaining in the half, Hulett threw a long, beautiful pass to Brayden Fox, who made a difficult catch in the end zone to give the orange and black an 18-0 lead at halftime.

Neither team found the end zone in the third quarter, while an offensive explosion occurred in the fourth, with Springtown posting 21 and Creekview scoring 14.

Final score: Springtown 39, Creekview 14.


The halftime festivities offered their own moments of excitement. The homecoming court couples made their way to midfield one at a time during halftime introductions. Afterward, the homecoming queen was announced.

Kourtlyn Graham, wearing a bright pink dress she bought at Windsor, was crowned queen. Accompanying her was Tyson Roglin, who wore a dark suit with a hot pink tie to match his date’s dress. Graham and Roglin have been friends since elementary school.

Graham expressed surprised to hear her name announced over the stadium loudspeakers.

“I didn’t expect it, but I’m really grateful for it and so thankful for everybody that voted for me,” she said.

Graham has lived in Springtown since first grade. She doesn’t know why her peers voted for her as queen, but said she tries to treat people with respect and kindness.

“I’m nice to people and not hateful,” she said.

Standing on the sidelines with her bejeweled crown sparkling under the bright stadium lights, Graham said her only plans at the moment were to watch the remainder of the game and maybe grab a bite to eat afterward.

What would she do with her crown?

“I don’t know,” she said. “Keep it somewhere safe.”

What will she do with her dress?

“I guess keep it,” she said. “It’s a memory.”


Kaitlyn Baker’s homecoming didn’t turn out as expected.

Not long ago, she envisioned attending the SHS Homecoming game while wearing an orange-and-black full-length Velcro costume resembling a porcupine. The senior was selected as team mascot earlier in the year.

In July, she made her first appearance as POJO at a Springtown Lions Club cheer camp for young girls. The kids’ faces brightened immediately upon seeing the odd-looking critter.

“It was fun,” she said. “I enjoyed seeing the little kids get really excited.”

The costume is a furry suit that includes a separate head piece, gloves and feet. They weren’t uncomfortable, although wearing the suit did become hot.

Just like football can be unpredictable, so can the life of a mascot. In August, Baker tore her meniscus while practicing gymnastics. Doctors performed surgery on Sept. 8, and she must remain in her brace for several more weeks. By the time she will have rehabilitated her knee, the season might be over.

“The mascot entails getting in the Porcupine uniform and going around being exciting and being hyped and surprising the little kids and putting a smile on their faces,” she said.

Hard to do on a bad knee.

Instead of riling up the hometown crowd in a Porcupine costume, Baker sat in a wheelchair on the sidelines with the cheerleaders and yelled through a megaphone during homecoming.

“I’m happy to be here,” she said.

So were other Springtown fans after cheering the Porcupines to victory, seeing Graham crowned as queen and watching Baker invigorate the crowd despite a bum leg.

Springtown (2-2) plays at 7 p.m. Friday at Glen Rose (3-1).