Saturday, July 27, 2024

Springtown storms cause sanitary sewer leak

Leak not expected to affect city’s water supply


SPRINGTOWN — Because of recent heavy rainfall in Springtown, stormwater debris (a large tree) broke a wastewater transmission main  that leaked into Browder’s Creek east of South Springbranch Trail and Hilltop Drive.

City crews discovered the leak and completed repairs May 6. According to a press release from Springtown officials, the wastewater leak will not have any impact on the city’s water.

“Our water supply is located approximately 13 miles east of the site, and this spill has had and will have no impact on the water supply,” reads the press release. “There are no other water supply or treatment facilities in proximity to this site.”

The press release also states that the damage wasn’t discovered until May 6 because of high stormwater levels. The leak affected an area of about 1,000 linear feet downstream from the spill, and the main discharged about 5 gallons of wastewater per second for an estimated total of 350,000 gallons.  

“Upon discovery, repair efforts immediately began to stop the leak, and those temporary repairs were successfully completed the same day that the leak was discovered,” read the press release. “Efforts to remove any solid wastewater material from the creek were also undertaken. Permanent repairs will be forthcoming shortly; however, there is no longer an active leak at this site.”

Springtown officials reported the leak to the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality, according to the press release. TCEQ required the city to tell the public that:

  • People using private drinking water supply wells within half a mile of the spill site or within the potentially affected area should use only water that has been distilled or boiled at a rolling boil for at least one minute for all personal uses including drinking, cooking, bathing and brushing teeth. Individuals with private water wells should have their well water tested and disinfected, if necessary, prior to discontinuing distillation or boiling.
  • People who purchase water from a public water supply may contact their water supply distributor to determine if the water is safe for personal use.
  • The public should avoid contact with waste material, soil or water in the area potentially affected by the spill.
  • If the public comes into contact with waste material, soil or water potentially affected by the spill, they should bathe and wash clothes thoroughly as soon as possible.