Saturday, January 18, 2025

Azle chamber elects board; fundraiser hits milestone


AZLE — The results of a recent Azle Area Chamber of Commerce board election were announced by Michael Wright, chamber president, at a Dec. 3 luncheon. New board members James Hill of Hill's Paint and Body, Kelly Limbaugh of Long Dog Yard Art and Ryan Nelson of March Roofing were elected to serve on the board starting in January 2025. They will join six other current members to serve three-year terms.

Chamber ambassadors also voted for next year’s officers, with Susie Hiles returning as secretary, Lora Paschal elected vice chair and Stu Lankford elected chair.

Debbie Bunero will return as treasurer for the board of directors. Chris Wynn will be vice president this year and David Shaffer returns as board president, a position in which he has served once before.

In an important milestone, Jennifer Herrington, AACOC executive director, announced members have passed the 25% threshold for the $950,000 needed for the creation of a new chamber office building at 256 W. Main St. The chamber also announced it has selected CBC Construction to be the contractor for the project. The chamber will continue to raise funds brick by brick, selling sponsors engraved masonry slated to be used for the site.